Friday, April 21, 2006

Object Lession in Democracy

I was distressed by one of the events that happen during President Hu of Red china visit to the U.S. During his visit with President Bush at the white house a member of the falung gong religion vocally protested china treatment of her group. She was taken out by the secret service and maybe criminally charged with intiminating a foreign official and disorderly conduct. The secret service doen't know how she cleared all the security for a press pass. She was given press credentials by The Epoch Times,a falung gong affiliated newspaper. Her name is Wenyl Wang a doctor by trade and a falung gong practitioner. Was she a planted protester, most likely she was, but sometimes you have to do drastic things to let the world know about the grim reality of a totalitarian state.

Kudos to Miss Wang for this act of protest. The history of the people's Republic of china has been nothing but a sordid history of mass murder, arbitary mass arrests and imprisonment, aggresstion against other countries and repression of freedom of thought, speech, and religion in their so called workers paradise, Someone has to bring a light on the truth on this reprehensible state. It is good to see there are people that are willing to stand up for what is right and not molly cuddle this evil state. Many in the west placate china, because we can obtain cheap consumer goods from them, and they have such a large market to exploit. Shame on us for putting cheap eletronic goods before the freedom and dignity of the chinese people.

One of the most disturbing elements of this event was: Mr Bush actually apologisied to this tyrant for the outburst. He could have used this event to give Mr Hu a lesson in democracy. He could have told him that a true democracy is a messy and loud affair, sometimes you have to let the people speak. It is not always a polite and predictable affair,but that is what makes it great. It is the best form of government compared to all others that have been tried. Instead he probaly had Wal-Mart stocks in his eyes and decided to apology to Hu, so not to upset him with this outburst from an unwashed commoner. Way to be Bush you really dropped the ball on this one.

It has been said that democracy is the worst of all governments, except all the others that have been tried . Sir Winston Churchill.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Separated at birth

Pierre Elliot Trudeau, one of Canada's worst Prime Minsters

Margaret "Peggy" Atwood, writer

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Why Did You have To Do That with Your Election Canada?

I know it is a little late now, but I would just like to lament the results of the 2006 federal election. What gives Canada; why did you give the second most powerful positions in the commons to one of the most corrupt, arrogant, and self serving political parties in Canadian history. Was there a sunspot that day that caused mass amnesia among the voting populace. Did you forget 13 years of liberal misrule. Now these rogues are in power to have a profound influence on the next parliament. They should have been swept into the dustbin of history like; Mulroney's conservatives of 1993. With this cleansing maybe they would learn that they are there as the servants of you the people, not there to enrich themselves and their cronies. If we keep decimating governments no matter what their political stripe, sooner or later the political class will learn to truly represent the people and to do what is good for the country and people, not the party or themselves, or face the prospect of being out of power.. We may go throught a few governments and may have to elect parties that we would not consider for forming a government, but like I said hopefully the political class will get the point and stop their wicked self serving ways.

The breakdown in seats in the house of commons is as follows:
Conservative Liberal BQ NDP Ind
125 102 51 29 1
As you can see the liberals are still powerful and can easily cause a lot of mayhem in the commons with some a little help of the other opposition parties. If they act like her majesty"s loyal opposition and advise and consent in a responsive manner and kill bad bills everything maybe fine and dandy. Unfortunately I have a bad feeling and from past actions, the liberals will try to sabotage the conservative regime ,not for any good reasons, but for spite. After all according to them and many pundits, the liberals are the nature ruling party of Canada. How dare the conservates knock them out of their rightful place as the leaders of our country. I believe that after they get their new leader and pay off some debts, they will start a campaign to topple the conservatives regardless if needed or not. I hope their new leader is not in the vein of the old lib leaders,the pompous, vain type that would be more at home in the palace of versailles(ie Trudeau& Chretien). I hope the new leader will have some wisdom and foresight to learn of the mistakes of the past and do what is right for the people of Canada. If Harper and his gang get too full of themselves: by all means bring them down, but do not bring them down because you are seeking revenge. Unfortunately I believe they will resort to their old ways and we will have a new election in a couple years. I think even if they get a new wise leader, there will still be the old hardliners in the party that will be seeking revenge regardless to the cost involved for Canadians.

So when the next election come, please do not reward crooks and selfserving rogues like the liberals. I think they can not believe how lucky they were in the last election. After all their shindagins and crooked misrule, they still came in as the official opposition. Many probably think that you will forget their past misdeeds and return them to their former glory. After all during the time when their corruption was being brought to the light of day, they still took over 100 seats. So if you enjoy high taxes and a government that takes care of it's own first, a government that believe that corrupt practices are just part of doing business, than by all means vote Liberal. After all it is only your money they are spending on themselves and their lackeys.

Another distressing charactistic about the liberal is how mercenary many of them are. They seem to have really only one goal and that is to obtain power, keep it, and enrich themselves and their pals, regardless of the costs. Case in point during the 1993 election the libs were against free trade and said they would abolish the hated GST, all introduced by the evil Mulroney. What did they do after winning a land slide, they did a complete 180 degree turn and introduced everything they were against. How convient railing against a hated tax for surefire votes, but when you get in ,not abolishing it. They realized this tax was a cash cow and could be used to fuel their indulgences. Also when they were in power all they seemed to do was stonewall promises they made in their infamous red book(did they get inspiration from chairman Mao), and like sheep we fell for their lies for 13 years. Way to be Canada. I am sure there are some truly good liberals that actually believe in community service and doing what is right for the country, but they seem few and far between. There are also these political mercs in the other parties too. no ones house is totally clean. We have to insure that these characters are turfed out of positions of power to make a better more productive country.They always say you get the government you deserve, so please think before you vote.